About the App
Popular Movies is an app which allows to discover new interesting movies or TV shows, through advanced search filter, from The Movie Database and save it then as favourite.
It is a fully functional App which I made from scratch for Android Developer Nanodegree Program of Udacity school.
Skill level: intermediate.
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Searching movies and TV shows
A search field and pop-up menu are added in the action bar so to filter the searching by movies or TV shows and not to take up too much place in the screen that is instead reserved to show the movies list. An instant search is also provided, which occurs while the user typing without need to press the enter key. By touching on the gear icon a settings activity will be open with an advance search rich of filters to help the user to better find what him intends to find.

Movies and TV shows details
By touching on a preferred movie, a details screen is showed, retrieving a rich content from The Movie Database. A Popularity score is highlighted allowing to the user to immediately understand the popularity of the movies chosen. By the touching of the “ Mark as Favourite” button, a movies or TV shows are saved in a SQLite database and added in the favourite list for a faster recall.

Video Trailer and Reviews
From details screen the user can be access to a screen containing a list of trailers and reviews about the movie or TV shows that the user are viewing.

Libraries used
- Glide used to handle the loading and caching of images.
- Android Support Preference V7 for saving settings.
- Recyclerview, cardview and design android support library for displaying the data.